As I walk towards my spot, the cornfields have been
harvested and look at all the remaining cobs on the ground that the animals had
eaten. I was looking for tracks, but they were mostly washed away from the
morning rain.
I decided to turn off my brain, I usually bring my
phone with me, but this time I made sure it stayed home. I didn't want any
distractions. I followed that inner voice as to where I should sit, and I was
drawn to the other side of the 200 paces circle I usually sit at. I passed the
big walnut tree and then past the tall towering spruce tree to a pair of
smaller spruce trees with a fallen tree beside it with raspberry canes growing
over it and some bushes. I will have to find out what kind of bush it is.
As I walk closer I startle a flock of morning
doves. There were about 20 of them that shot up into the trees from the ground
and near by trees. My presence is announced and so I settle in with my back on
the spruce tree and I sit and wait for the forest to calm back to its original

In the corner of my eye I see movement up a tree
and follow that movement to a gray squirrel following a black one. It is like
they are playing follow the leader with the gray one always following. Then
another black one cuts in-between them and now it is three of them following
the leader. This new squirrel jumps to another tree with the second black one
about to follow when you can see he rethinks that jump. Second black squirrel
takes a different route and follows. The gray squirrel patiently waits for them
to come back down.
All the while, I am noticing the morning doves are
a little edgy. Some of them on the outskirts of the forest fly further in to
the forest. I wait to see why, but nothing is revealed. I lose track of the
squirrels and just settle in and turn my head to look into the bushes. I hear a
dove moving to the North of me and turn my head. There, 5 feet from me, my eyes
meet with a beautiful morning dove. We look at each other, and then she is off.
It was too close for her comfort.
Then, I hear a little russelling and notice
one of the black squirrels had made its way over to where I was sitting and it
was looking for nuts/seeds. I remain as still as possible. Not moving even
though my nose started to itch. (Doesn’t that always happen)? It comes closer
and closer to me until it is about 5 feet away from me when it stops dead in
its tracks. Eyes big looking at me. I am out of place. It knew that I was not supposed
to be there and it jumps back. But it is very curious and comes back towards me
again. All I was thinking was, this is very cool if it will come right up to me
and think of me as part of the tree. And then thought, hope it doesn't bite me.
So it starts to flick its tail and make a small
quiet chip sound as it inspects me. I remain still, not moving anything but my
eyes. Does it notice my eyes? It slowly makes its way to the spruce tree beside
me and gets to a higher advantage point where it started to make grunting and
kissing noises at me. I can no longer see it in my peripheral so I switch to
using my ears. I am picturing it sitting on the trunk of the tree looking at
me, flicking it tails making those noises. In the corner of my other eye, I see
another squirrel that has come to it's friend's aid to keep an eye on me and is
20 feet in another tree looking at me and flicking its tail. This goes on for
15 minutes. The black squirrel, I have now named George for his curiosity, had
climbed up the spruce tree I am leaning against and is above my head. I see the
hanging branch above me move and I think... oh my... it is going to climb on my
head. But it doesn't.
Instead the forest bursts in action as almost 50
morning doves all take flight at once and fly to the other side of the forest.
The burst of energy makes me want to fly, but I remain motionless to see what
caused it. The squirrel gets bored of me and heads off on his regular routine
and that is when I see the cause of the alarm.... a large bird flies in front
of me, about 20 feet onto a lower branch. It is about the size of a crow, maybe
a bit bigger. I don't have my glasses on so can't make out details. So you are
the one who sent off the alarm with the morning doves... so what are you? What
kind of raptor are you? You have a white breast with black speckles... can't
really make out a band, but that really doesn't mean anything. Your hooked beak
and majestic stance on the branch as you look away doesn't really give too much
away. Then it looks to the East and takes off and I see a bright red tail!
Whoooo, my friend has returned! Buteo is back!
The forest returns to a quiet calm and I decide it
is time I head back home. Thankful for all I had experienced today and the gift
of all the encounters.
Until next time, I hope to connect with George
again and see Buteo again.
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